What is Kidney Failure? Symptoms of Kidney Failure

In the simplest terms, kidney failure (or renal failure) means that one or both kidneys have become unable to perform their functions without support. This condition often occurs suddenly as a result of kidney disease that increases in severity over time, sometimes due to trauma or a serious illness such as cancer. On average, one...

What is a gastric balloon

Also known as stomach balloon or intra-gastric balloon, a gastric balloon is a silicone material specially designed to be placed in the stomach. Once inserted, it is filled with 400 to 700 cc of salt water and creates a very effective feeling of satiety. It is one of the most popular non-surgical weight loss methods...

What is Hepatitis C

What is Hepatitis C? How is Hepatitis C transmitted? Hepatitis C (Hep C) is a liver disease transmitted by contact with blood containing the virus of the same name (HCV). The virus can progress from a mild form of the disease, which can be short-lived, to a severe form of the disease that can last...

What is Libido? How to increase libido?

Libido, which refers to an individual’s desire for sexual activity, is a complex result of physiological, psychological and emotional factors we go through. Its level varies significantly between people as it is influenced by many factors, including hormones, stress, relationship dynamics and personal experiences. An individual who you think is very attractive because of his/her...

What is Depression

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a serious but widely treatable medical illness that affects how positive you feel, think and behave. It is characterized with a constant state of sadness and loss of pleasure even under good conditions. It can cause a variety of emotional and physical symptoms making everything worse. People with depression have...

What is a Kidney Stone

What is a Kidney Stone? Facts, Symptoms and Prevention Methods When some minerals combine to form solid objects in kidney or in the ureter, these are called kidney stones. Although they can be seen at any age, they usually occur from the 30s onwards. If left untreated, kidney stones lead to blockage of the ducts...

What is Constipation

When the need to defecate is three or less times a week, this is called constipation. It is a common problem characterized by slow and uncomfortable bowel movements. As a result, the stool is too hard, too small and dry. It can ruin your life quality 24 hours a day and will lead to additional...

What is Rem Sleep

What Is REM Sleep? Why Is REM Sleep Important? Sleep is the time when our body and mind recharge. REM sleep, which stands for „Rapid Eye Movement” is considered to be a distinctive part of this regeneration period. Sleep time consists of 4 phases that repeat consecutively throughout the night, and the first REM phase...

What is Iron Deficiency

What is Iron Deficiency? Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Iron deficiency is a condition in which the iron need of the body cannot be met because of various reasons. It is a serious health problem that causes 800,000 deaths every year in the world. It is also the biggest cause of anemia and occurs in 35%...