Skin Care During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a unique time in a woman’s life, but it is inevitable to face a series of physical and emotional changes. It is very important to make healthy and conscious choices in skin care and cosmetic product use while the body adapts to the changes during pregnancy. Proper skin care and wise cosmetic use during pregnancy improves the skin quality of pregnant women while protecting the health of their babies.
Common skin conditions during pregnancy
Pregnancy means a complete change in body and can cause several changes in the appearance of the skin like below:
- Stretch marks (red, pink or purple lines, also known as striae)
- Varicose veins
- Dark spots in genital areas and around breasts
- Acne
- Eczema
- Linea nigra (dark line between belly button and pubic area)
- Melanocytic naevi (change in the size and color of moles)
Luckily, most of these conditions go away on their own after labour.
How to choose cosmetics during pregnancy?
Increased pigmentation during pregnancy can increase the use of cosmetics, especially hand, skin and body creams. However, these products should be used with caution due to the nanomaterial content. Nanomaterials can adversely affect the central nervous system, immune system and lungs of expectant mothers and babies.
Although there are no comprehensive studies on exposure to sunscreens and skin creams, care should be taken when choosing products because of the chemicals they contain. Products that contain natural filters instead of chemical filters, have mineral filters, have an SPF of at least 50, do not clog pores and have moisturizing properties should be preferred. It is best to use moisturizers and sunscreens in consultation with a doctor.
How to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?
9 out of 10 pregnant women develop stretch marks due to excessive stretching of the skin during pregnancy, rapid weight gain and hormonal damage to collagen and elastin tissues.
Proper nutrition plays a critical role in preventing stretch marks. Keeping weight gain under control and adopting a diet that includes nutrients such as vitamin E, C and zinc for healthy collagen and elastin production can also help nourish the skin. Drinking plenty of water is also important for overall skin health.
During the formation of stretch marks, the skin becomes thinner and itching may occur. For this reason, it is important to increase the elasticity of the skin, moisturize it regularly and care for it with nourishing products. Especially natural oils such as almond oil can provide the nutrients the skin needs.
Is it safe to have skin care during pregnancy?
Skin care during pregnancy should be carefully planned and applied under the supervision of a physician. Although having clean skin is important in every period, this care becomes even more critical during pregnancy. Steamless cleansing methods should be preferred, treatments containing vitamin C should be applied to protect against blemishes, and the skin should be moisturized and nourished regularly. Care should continue with skin strengthening products containing hyaluronic acid and vitamin K.
Which skin care products should be avoided during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a time to be especially careful in skin care, as the content of cosmetic products used can directly affect the health of the baby. It is best to avoid chemical ingredients and to be aware of the importance of pregnancy period. Particular attention should be paid to the content of the products used, from moisturizers to hair dye, make-up and sun protection products.
Chemical peeling products and substances such as AHAs should be avoided. In addition, hot and vacuum applications, heat and laser technologies, injectable applications such as Botox should be avoided during pregnancy.
Chemicals in cosmetic products, especially those exposed during the fetal period, may penetrate the placenta and enter the fetal circulation, causing potential harm to the baby.
There may be an increase in acne formation during pregnancy, but isotretinoin-containing “acne medications” shall never be used during this period. It has been scientifically proven that the use of isotretinoin-containing drugs may cause congenital anomalies.
For perfumes, deodorants, shampoos, make-up products and other skin care products, it is recommended to choose alternatives with the purest possible formulations. For any question in mind, it is best to see a cosmetic dermatologist for ideal skin care during pregnancy.