How to Slow Down Skin Aging
Unfortunately, the skin is almost always the organ of the body that ages the fastest and is the first to show signs of aging. Skin aging reduces self-confidence and can disrupt social relationships. For this reason, it is one of the most important concerns of cosmetic dermatologists and beauticians.
Skin aging often occurs due to genetic and environmental factors. Although it is not possible to completely prevent this unpleasant condition; it is possible to control the symptoms that occur.
What are the signs of aging skin?
With the aging of the skin, certain deterioration and new structures appear in the skin tissue. It is possible to summarize these symptoms as follows:
- Sun spots, age spots
- Visible hand veins
- Increased color and spotting in the breast area
- Dry and itchy skin
- Wrinkles and sagging
- Hair loss
Why does skin age?
Skin aging arises from many factors. Some conditions accelerate the natural aging process of the skin, causing it to wear out faster and cause premature aging of the skin, like follows:
Collagen loss: The production of collagen fibers in the body decreases by age, and this causes weakening of skin as well as bones, joints and tendons.
Weight loss: Since the skin is the outer cover of body fat, bones and muscles, skin sagging occurs after rapid weight loss.
Sun rays: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays causes wrinkles, sagging and various texture and color changes, especially skin cancers.
Environmental pollution: Exposure of the skin to polluting chemicals in air or water increases the signs of skin aging.
Smoking: Toxins in cigarette smoke cause inflammation in the skin and accelerate aging.
Poor sleep: Sleep is when our body’s regeneration and toxin removal processes are at their strongest. Those with irregular sleep habits have skin that ages faster.
Poor diet: Those who prefer poor quality foods, especially sugars, have more signs of aging on their skin.
Dehydration: The most basic composition of life is water. People who do not consume enough water tend to have drier skin and develop signs of aging way faster than others.
Alcohol use: Alcohol use accelerates aging both by causing dehydration and the harmful results of its specific metabolic effect.
Stress: In people with an intense stressful life, the increase in the amount of stress hormones in the blood causes inflammatory conditions throughout the body, accelerating the aging of the skin.
What should be done to prevent skin aging?
It is important to first consult a cosmetic dermatologist to see if there is a health problem underlying both age spots and sun spots. It is recommended to use sunscreens with a protection factor of at least 30 against natural aging spots. For existing spots, creams containing aloe vera, vitamin C and AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) supplements can be used.
Moisturizing is of great importance for thinning the skin of the hands. Sunscreens can also be used to protect the hands from sunlight. If hands are exposed to chemicals in daily activities, gloves should be used.
Since spotting in the décolleté area is also related to sunlight, it will be useful to use sunscreen again. It is useful to moisturize the area at regular intervals and support it with creams containing vitamin C or retinoids.
Dry and itchy skin should be evaluated by a dermatologist. Because various health problems that can cause dryness and itching on the skin may also be the source of the problem. Apart from this, moisturizing the skin and drinking plenty of fluids are essential. Short and frequent showers are also recommended.
For wrinkles and sagging, the most practical precaution is again a quality sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. Quitting smoking and alcohol, drinking plenty of fluids, moisturizing the skin and applying creams containing green tea extract, vitamin A, vitamin C, retinoids and antioxidants will also be beneficial. Botox or dermal fillers can be used for certain areas.
In hair loss, the type of the problem should be determined by a dermatologist and hair care products should be selected accordingly. Eating habits should also be enriched with foods that strengthen hair. Foods rich in vitamins A, C and E such as eggs, spinach, oily fish such as salmon, green tea, avocado, pomegranate, and hazelnut should be preferred.
During sleep and rest, it should be preferred to sleep on your back instead of stomach or side sleeping. It is also useful to avoid facial expressions such as frowning and puckering the lips as much as possible. Stress-reducing activities such as regular exercise, deep breathing exercises, yoga or meditation are very effective in reducing facial contractions and general stress in the body.