What is premature birth
Premature birth is when a baby is born at least 3 weeks earlier than expected. In other words, it is a birth that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy. It is the top cause of baby and child deaths globally.
The following classification is made according to the weeks in which preterm birth occurs:
Late preterm birth: Births that occur within 34th and 36th weeks of gestation are borderline premature babies and most cases are in this category.
Moderate preterm birth: Births that occur within 32nd and 34th weeks of gestation and is the second most common category in preterm birth cases.
Extreme preterm birth: A pregnancy lasting less than 32 weeks with an alive baby is called extreme (or severe) premature birth. Babies falling in this category have a very high risk of health problems.
Health problems seen in premature babies
The problems seen in premature babies are quite variable. Some babies may have very mild problems, while others may have more significant health problems. Some of the conditions that can be seen in premature babies are as follows:
- A disproportionately large head despite a small body
- Sharp body contours
- Fine yellow hairs covering the whole body, called lanugo
- Lack of body fat
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Inadequate sucking and swallowing reflexes
Babies born prematurely are kept in a special care unit and require a longer hospital stay. Depending on how much care the premature newborn requires, he or she may be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit or other units. Doctors trained in the care of preterm babies and a specialized health care team helps with the follow up of the premature baby.
Premature babies may need extra nutrition and support immediately after birth. The health care team determines what the baby needs and guides parents through the care plan.
Factors that increase premature birth likelihood
The specific cause of premature birth is often not clear and multiple factors seem to be present. However, research shows some clear risk factors related to preterm birth. These risk factors include the following;
- Becoming pregnant again before 6 months have passed after labor
- Conception through in vitro fertilization
- The presence of anomalies or problems with the uterus, cervix or placenta.
- Smoking, alcohol or drug use
- Various infections in amniotic fluid and genital tract
- Chronic health problems like hypertension, cardiac problems and diabetes
- Having weight issues like obesity or being underweight
- A history of cervical or abdominal surgery
- Intense anxiety during pregnancy
- Physical trauma
Are there ways to prevent premature birth?
Although the exact cause of preterm birth is usually unknown, there are some things that can be done to reduce the risk. These measures are especially important for pregnant women who are at risk for premature birth. Practices that can be done may include the following;
Progesterone supplements: Women with a history of preterm birth, a short cervix or both factors can be given progesterone supplements to reduce the risk of preterm birth.
Cervical cerclage: In women with several preterm birth risk factors, the possibility of actual preterm birth can be predicted by analyzing the shape of the cervix using transvaginal ultrasound. A woman with a short or weakened cervix is under increased risk. In such cases, her cervix can be reshaped with a procedure called cervical cerclage. The procedure, if needed, must be performed somewhere around the thirteenth week into pregnancy.