7 Golden Tips to Prepare Your Skin for Winter
The most challenging season for cosmetic dermatologists and beauticians, is approaching: Winter! Very soon the weather will be colder and drier, and everyone, especially those with sensitive skin, will feel the negative effects of the season. Moreover, according to experts, the coming winter will be harsher and colder than it has been in a long time. So it’s a good idea to learn more about the effects of winter on the skin and the precautions we can take.
Why does skin become sensitive in winter?
More precipitation during the colder months does not necessarily mean more moisture in the air. In winter, the air is much drier and this weakens your skin’s protective barrier. This unpleasant situation is the source of the problems you experience in areas such as the skin, hands, nose and lips that are most in contact with open air. Due to the loss of moisture, there are changes in the oil balance and redness, flaking, itching and tightness become evident.
Moreover, as the weather gets colder, your body reduces blood circulation to maintain body temperature and sweat glands start to work more slowly. Slowing blood circulation makes it difficult for nutrients to reach skin cells. With dry skin, the activity of the glands also slows down. As a result, the skin becomes sensitive and more vulnerable to external influences, followed by the complaints we all know. Let’s see what these complaints are:
Negative effects of winter on the skin
Although we experience different problems in cold weather according to our skin type, we can list the most common negative effects and skin diseases in winter as follows:
- Dry skin
- Wrinkles becoming more visible
- Widespread itching
- Cold allergies
- Oily eczema
- Psoriasis
- Irritation eczema
- Hives
7 golden rules for skin health and beauty in winter
1- The right clothes mean healthy skin: In winter we dress in layers, which means that the skin is in constant contact with the fabric. Choose clothes that come into direct contact with your skin from cottons, woolens or silks with minimal allergenic potential. Also, don’t forget to wear gloves, scarves and seasonally appropriate socks to keep your distance from external factors.
2- Be careful when using air conditioning: Air conditioners are the most frequently used form of heating in winter, especially in offices and public transportation. Studies have shown that the complaints of dry skin and itching of individuals in air-conditioned environments are more than 2 times higher than those who prefer methods other than air conditioning. If your environment is heated by air conditioning, take care to moisturize the air.
3- Moisturize your skin: The most obvious effect of cold weather on the skin is dryness and cracking. Remove the dryness on the skin with the moisturizer that our cosmetic dermatologist will recommend according to your skin type. In addition, of course, drink 7-8 glasses of water every day.
4- Make a special diet for winter: No matter how well you nourish the skin from the outside, one of the things that the body needs most in winter is vitamins and minerals that will increase body resistance. Therefore, it may be necessary to supplement with vitamins such as A, C, E, selenium and zinc. Healthy nutrition is a must!
5- Sunscreen is necessary also in winter: If you think that the sun goes on vacation in winter, you are wrong. On days when the sky is clear in winter, the skin dries and loses moisture, while the sun’s rays you will be exposed to are especially destructive. At these times, elastic fibers start to wear out quickly and cause blemishes. Therefore, it is necessary to use sunscreens not only in summer but also in winter.
6- Pay attention to skin cleansing: Skin cleansing should be done with cleansing products suitable for our skin structure. If the skin is dry, tonic and alcohol-containing products should be avoided. After taking a shower with hot water, moisturizer should be used for face and body. It may also be useful to prefer moisturizing oils after bathing in winter. Your dermatologist can help you find the best products and routines.
7- Skin resurfacing with peeling: For a healthy and fresh skin in winter, it is necessary to get rid of dead cells. One of the most effective methods for this is peeling. You can obtain products that you can apply at home with the recommendation of your dermatologist and use them safely. In addition, with more intense peeling methods that only cosmetic dermatologists can apply, you can reduce problems such as blemishes and acne and get a more vibrant skin.